Think of the farmer.

He's an expert at tending his fields and harvesting yields.

Most seasons, the farmer does well. Because he understands the climate, the soil, the weather, when to plant, and when to harvest.

He's even prepared for bad weather and difficult growing conditions. He covers crops when freezes come. He'll wait to plant. He'll harvest early if needed.

The farmer does everything within reason that he can do to maintain his business and serve his community the delicious vegetables and fruits he grows.

But there are some years, inevitably, where the farm takes a hit. Storms come. There are droughts. There are low yields. There might be pest damage. 

We can learn from the farmer.

He works with great forces of nature, and he does not walk away.

He surrenders and adjusts, because his livelihood and others' depends on his determination.

What can we learn from the farmer?

As homeschool parents, sometimes we are called to surrender and adapt to the storms and challenging conditions that come our way.

We may have a vision and we may have the seeds and the soil. But the storm must pass before we plant.

These are tough times. 

When life hits you hard, homeschooling gets even harder. 

If you’re struggling right now, I encourage you to take a deep breath and give yourself a moment. 

Don’t expect to be efficient and just push through. Reset your expectations to supporting your family and yourself rather than checking all the boxes. 

Remember, you’re a family and not a school.

When exhaustion, overwhelm, and isolation hit because life has been turned upside down, it’s time to simplify. 

Instead of feeling guilty and lost, focus on what you CAN do: creating the space for learning, bringing simple stories and projects to your children to keep the learning going, and taking care of yourself through it all.

With the Homeschooling Through Tough Times masterclass series (3 masterclasses + 2 bonus videos), you can feel empowered to do what you can with what you have.

The Homeschooling Through Tough Times Masterclass Series

3 masterclasses for any and all homeschoolers


2 bonus videos...

The essentials to support you during this challenging time.

Bonus Videos

1) Rhythm to the Rescue

With this mini-masterclass, you'll understand how rhythm can help bring more calm to your family right now. Including ideas for creating weekly & daily rhythm charts. 

2) Family Dynamics in Tough Times

Creating a sense of family unity is so important right now. Here are 7 simple doable ideas for a

Masterclass Series

Get the Homeschooling Through Tough Times Series of 3 masterclasses + the 2 bonus videos

About These Masterclasses & Bonus Videos

These 3 masterclasses were originally created for the Homeschool with Waldorf membership community. 

I pulled out the three most helpful masterclasses for homeschooling through tough times.

  • Creating the Space for Homeschooling
  • Nourishing Ourselves
  • Handwork + Stories

Plus, I'm offering two bonus videos to give you everything you need to simplify your life right now and support your children’s learning through it all.

  • Rhythm to the Rescue
  • Family Dynamics in Tough Times

If you’re interested in checking out the Homeschool with Waldorf membership, you’ll find these three masterclasses plus over a dozen others there.

We have monthly coaching calls, plan alongs, and a super supportive private Facebook community. 

If you’d rather join Homeschool with Waldorf for $27 and get all that’s offered here and more, click here. Either way, it's your choice!

What Some Moms Have to Say

“"All of Jean's ideas, resources, and general reassurance just made me feel so much better. I came away with both a practical, realistic plan for the rest of the school year, as well as a sense of confidence that I haven't had until now. Jean is really great at what she does, and I'm so thankful she is sharing her knowledge and experience."”

Leah, mother of three

“Jean's masterclasses have been so encouraging! I've been homeschooling for 10 years and having this support is so amazing. I love how Jean emphasizes the advantages of homeschooling and building a strong connection with your kids. Her advice and encouragement are always spot on. ”

Sarah, mother of four

“I appreciate Jean’s gentle and encouraging approach in guiding us through the essential steps for planning a good homeschool year. She has a way of keeping things simple, while being thorough. The combination of pre-recorded videos and printable lists are helpful to both new seasoned homeschoolers alike.”

Nicola, mother of two

Who This is For

Homeschooling Through Tough Times is for any and all parents and caregivers with children at home. That includes those who are:

  • New to homeschooling
  • Seasoned homeschoolers
  • Temporarily homeschooling
  • Stay-at-home parents
  • Caregivers

If you are struggling to maintain the rhythm and life you're used to living, these masterclasses and bonus videos will help reassure you that all is not lost.

This is a time of going inward, simplifying, and taking extra good care of yourself. Let this support nourish you through this challenging time.

Hi, I'm Jean

In case we haven't met yet, I’m Jean Miller, a mother of three who homeschooled for 25+ years. With all three children (two boys and a girl) in their twenties, I now get to mentor homeschooling parents. I love helping parents homeschool with the Waldorf approach, but I also help any and all homeschoolers who are striving for holistic home education.

When people ask me what I do, I often say,

“I help homeschooling parents who are interested in the Waldorf approach to find ways of customizing the curriculum to make it work for their children and family. But what I really do is help mothers feel like they’re enough.”

"What is this faithful process of spirit and seed that touches empty ground and makes it rich again? Its greatest workings I cannot claim to understand. I only know that in its care, what has seemed dead is dead no longer, what has seemed lost, is no longer lost, that which some have claimed impossible, is made clearly possible, and what ground is fallow is only resting - resting and waiting for the blessed seed to arrive on the wind with all godspeed. And it will." 

~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes


  • What happens after I purchase?

    After you purchase the bundle, you’ll receive a confirmation email from Thinkific (the learning platform where the masterclasses live) inviting you to login to the bundle. Inside, you’ll find your Welcome Letter and everything you need to simplify your life right now.

  • How will I access the masterclasses?

    You’ll receive instructions for how to login as soon as you purchase. The videos, audios, and PDFs are all housed inside an online learning platform called Thinkific. You can login to Thinkific anytime where you can watch the videos and download audios and PDFs.

  • How long will I have access to the bundle?

    You have lifetime access to the materials.

  • Is this only for Waldorf homeschoolers?

    No, not at all! Any homeschoolers or parents at home with children right now will benefit from these masterclasses to help you create the space for homeschooling, bring enriching stories & projects to your children, and take good care of yourself.

Here For You

Go at your own pace, go inward, & replenish right now.