This Masterclass helps you gather ideas for creating an inviting homeschooling space. 

In some teaching methods, Waldorf included, there is this idea that the environment is the "third teacher." Meaning the teacher, the child, and the environment are all equally important to learning.

In that light, I want to share with you and show you some ways I’ve organized my homeschooling books and supplies over the years. You can really have fun decluttering and freshening up your homeschool space!

I hope you enjoy this take-action Masterclass.

I’m here to help you if you need it!


    1. A Message from Jean

    2. Outline of Creating the Space for Homeschooling

    1. Organizing Your Curriculum & Resources

    1. Organizing for Lesson Planning

    2. Lesson Planning Template

    1. Organizing Your Supplies

    1. Creating the Head Space & Mindset for Homeschooling

    1. How to Plan Ahead for When You Get Off Track (Video)

    2. How to Plan Ahead for When You Get Off Track (Audio)

About this course

  • Free
  • 20 lessons
  • 5.5 hours of video content