What If You Gave Yourself a Huge Gift This Summer?

A gift that will renew your spirit, skills, and mission for your upcoming homeschooling year...

What difference would that make to your inner peace and to your children’s sense of connection with you?

Imagine re-discovering the unique spark of light YOU bring to your family.

Taproot is a place where you are truly accepted wherever you are on the homeschooling journey and your homeschool story is fully embraced. 

No right. No wrong. No shame. No judgement. Just a group of sincere holistic homeschoolers surrounded by loving support. 

You need that reset every summer, dear friend!

At Taproot, you'll experience all of that self-care goodness PLUS hands-on workshops, time in nature, and so much more...

You will get to see for yourself the beauty behind the Waldorf method with fresh new eyes.

Circle time. Singing. Storytelling. Painting. Drawing. Recorder. Main lessons. Handwork.

It's a gathering created in community as our stories and experiences are woven together. 

Truly everything that brightens our world! 

Taproot is a weekend getaway for the devoted homeschooling parent who is ready to tune in, train up, and create some lasting inspiration for themselves this summer.

We’ve been doing this for 17 years - you are in for a TREAT!

~ ~ ~

This year's theme is...
🌳 🫶 🌿 
My Homeschool Story 
🌻 🥰  🐚 


  • Retreat for You

    Come relax and get away for a long weekend. Reconnect with yourself along with your hopes and dreams for your family.

  • Homeschool Training

    Taproot is the place to learn all about a Waldorf-inspired approach and how to infuse your lessons with the lively arts.

  • Summer Camp

    We gather at a summer camp in Ohio for lots of summer fun ~ new friends, yummy snack time, and walks in the woods.


Honoring the Journey We Walk with Our Children

“A good story only needs a good storyteller.”
Richard Bausch

Read that again...

Because YOU, dear homeschooler, ARE a GOOD storyteller. And a storymaker. 😘💖

The theme for Taproot 2023 is “My Homeschool Story.”

This is about YOU and your journey.

An invitation to…

… acknowledge the “story” you’re living as a home educator
… let go of storylines that no longer serve you
… write the next chapter from a place of inspiration

As the loving parent I know that you are, I’m sure you’ve spent a ton of time thinking about your kids!

What do they need, how are they doing, how are they progressing, does their life provide enough balance, is everything ok?!

That is truly both admirable and beautiful.

At the same time, what about YOU? What do you feel? What do you want?

Taproot 2023 is a wonderful time to pause and take inventory of your homeschool story.

We’re all here to do this together, this summer.

It’s time to tell/write/LIVE your truly GOOD STORY! 😉✨

WHEN: August 3-6, 2023 

WHERE: Camp Asbury in Hiram, Ohio 44234

WHO: Homeschooling Parents & Teachers

WHY: To Experience the Waldorf Method, Main Lesson Blocks, & the Lively Arts. And to Know You're Not Alone!


An All-Inclusive Weekend

  • Four days of workshops with EXPERIENCED HOMESCHOOLERS AND MENTORS.

  • ALL workshops, accommodations, meals, and snacks for the entire weekend. Your REGISTRATION is ALL-INCLUSIVE!

  • An eBOOK on Waldorf-inspired homeschooling: 
    • Homeschooling with Waldorf: Getting Started by Barbara Dewey

  • FREE Registration in The Summer Reset (May 30-June 2) with Jean

  • MP3 RECORDINGS and songsheets of all songs we sing at Taproot.

  • All sorts of goodies including on-site GIVEAWAYS and COUPONS from some wonderful Waldorf suppliers.

  • Small, intimate workshops providing HANDS-ON TRAINING and support. (Plus we're all at camp together! So you'll get to chat with presenters and new friends over tea, snacks, walks, and meals.)

  • Membership in a private FACEBOOK GROUP where you can coordinate travel plans before Taproot, and ask questions after you return home.

  • BONUSES!  
    • Inner Work Conversations with Eshanne online the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 3pm EDT
    • 50% OFF Jean's Homeschool Simplicity Bundle
    • 15% OFF Mentor Sessions with Jean
    • Discounts from well-known Waldorf suppliers


“Before Taproot, I really felt like I had just brushed the surface of a Waldorf education. But I was feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about how to move forward. This training really helped me build confidence to continue this journey.”


“Taproot has become a place a learning haven and communal family where I add tools and resources every year to sharpen my skills to become a better parent, teacher, husband, and person. The things I learn don't just apply to homeschooling my children but enrich all aspects of my life. Thank you for caring enough to make others in the world whole.”


“The best part of Taproot was developing a community & renewing my spirit. So much more than I expected! I miss everyone & can't wait to go back to Taproot!”


“There aren't Waldorf homeschoolers near me, so I loved gathering with like-minded people at Taproot, knowing that there is a support network out there. The singing & self-reflection made it feel like a retreat for me, as well as inspiration for our homeschool year.”


“I was able to feel the lessons, the circle times, the finger plays... prior to this, I read so many books and curriculums but the way that I was educated growing up was stuck in me and creating a barrier to understanding and feeling the magic that I want to bring to my child. I was stressed and feeling like I couldn't do what Steiner had imagined for educating children. Now I feel like I get it, like it's alive inside of me. What a blessing! ”


“I learned more at Taproot than I expected, and not just about my homeschool journey. This was a retreat just as much as homeschool teacher training! ”


“I left Taproot feeling relieved and empowered, full of inspiration but in a completely non-overwhelming way. I have doable advice as well as a general sense of peace and excitement about these subject areas. It was all so helpful Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! ”


Come enjoy the beautiful Camp Asbury and learn alongside other hands-on homeschoolers.

You'll leave with a renewed spirit!

The magic of Taproot is the warmth and community, homeschooling support, great conversations and laughter that emerge during our four-day weekend. 

Taproot provides a unique opportunity to gather with like-minded parents. Plus unparalleled access to the Taproot Team of 11 presenters all with holistic homeschooling experience. 

This training is designed for you as a homeschooling parent or teacher of a small group to help you apply the Waldorf approach philosophy to your own unique needs.

The registration fee is ALL-INCLUSIVE: it includes all workshops, accommodations, meals and snacks for the entire weekend, Thursday through Sunday.

For accommodations, each of the retreat center rooms has 3 bunkbeds that will house 5-6 people per room. Or you could bring a tent and campout on the grounds of Camp Asbury. 

The Camp Asbury staff provides delicious family-style meals with gluten-free, dairy­-free, vegan, and vegetarian options available.

Let us know about food allergies and we'll do our best to work with them. You're also welcome to bring your own food and snacks to supplement what's offered. 

Camp Asbury is set among forests and fields in northeast Ohio with beautiful views, hiking trails, and an outdoor fire circle. 

Nursing babies are welcome with a participant caregiver who can step out if the child becomes disruptive. Please make arrangements to stay elsewhere and register as a commuter. We are unable to provide childcare.

Think of Taproot as a learning retreat...

Gathering in person is so powerful! Here are a few details you may want to know. 

  • You can choose to stay in one of the retreat centers with bunkbeds, bring a tent to campout on the grounds of Camp Asbury, or stay off-site.
  • The retreat center rooms have 3 bunkbeds in each so there will be 5-6 people in a room.
  • If you'd prefer to camp or stay in a cabin nearby, Punderson State Park is a wonderful place for families and offers a lodge, cabins, and camping facilities within a twenty-minute drive of camp. Or check out the Hiram Inn for a lovely option.
  • Some of our workshops and meals will take place outdoors under canopy tents or covered pavilions. And we'll walk together to the dining hall for meals.


Camp Asbury in Hiram, Ohio


Thursday, August 3rd to Sunday, August 6th

Our long weekend together begins on Thursday, August 3rd. Please plan to arrive between 1:00-3:00 pm on Thursday afternoon. Our opening workshop begins at 3:30 pm.

On Sunday of our weekend together, we'll finish up after lunch around 1:00 pm.

You can see our schedule and workshop options below. After you register, you'll select your workshops for the breakout sessions.


Arrival & Snack Time (1:00-3:30 pm)

Opening Workshop (3:30-5:00 pm)
My Homeschool Story 

Dinner  (6:00-7:00 pm)

Evening Program (7:30-9:00 pm)
Puppet Show & Orientation


Morning Walk or Yoga (7:30 am) 

Breakfast (8:00-9:00 am)

Morning Circle  (9:00-9:30 am) 

Morning Workshops  (10:00-11:30)

Lunch (12:00-1:00 pm)

Afternoon Workshops (1:30-3: 00 pm)

Snack Time (3:00-3:30pm)

Late Afternoon Workshops (3:30-5:00 pm)

Dinner (6:00-7:00 pm)

Evening Program (7:30-9:00 pm)
Campfire Stories & Sing-Along ~ Friday
Sharing & Giveaways ~ Saturday


Morning Walk or Yoga (7:30 am) 

Breakfast  (8:00-9:00 am)

Morning Circle (9:00-9:30 am) 

Workshop & Closing Circle (10:00-12:00 am)

Lunch (12:00-1:00 pm) 

Departure (1:30 pm)


  • Language Arts & History for Grades 1-4 
  • Language Arts & History with the Book Hearth for Grades 5-8 
  • Math for Grades 1-4  
  • Science for Grades 1-4 
  • The Art of Math, the Math of Art for Grades 5-8 
  • How People Change & Grow, Science for Grades 5-8
  • Skills Development for the Elementary Years
  • Watercolor Painting
  • Kindergarten at Home
  • Making Standing Puppets
  • Making Silk Marionettes
  • Pentatonic Flute Woven with Storytelling
  • Waldorf Music 101
  • Games with Children
  • Crayon Drawing
  • Practical Inner Work Practices
  • Handwork Projects
  • Inner Work Conversations
  • Easy Peasy Beeswax Candles
  • Homeschooling High School
  • Classroom in a Backpack
  • Conversations with Rebecca & Amber
  • Play, Humor, and Connection with Kids


Jean Miller

As the homeschooling mother of three grown children, Jean has loved sharing stories through the years – reading, telling, and dramatizing stories. Over almost 25 years of homeschooling, she’s savored the stories as the vehicle for teaching new content and all of the creative ways of combining stories with the lively arts. Plus of course time outdoors and circles of song and movement. Jean spends her time these days mentoring  parents at Art of Homeschooling.

Jean’s Workshops: 

  • Language Arts & History for Grades 1-4 with Barbara
  • Language Arts & History with the Book Hearth for Grades 5-8
  • Practical Inner Work Practices
  • Homeschooling High School

Barbara Dewey

Barbara of Waldorf Without Walls has consulted with homeschooling families throughout the world, written many guides and publications, and provided training workshops for Waldorf homeschoolers. She spends her spare time enjoying her unique solar home, and developing her farmland. Barbara, a Master Gardener, and her husband Quimby, a Forest Entomologist, lead workshops and field days on the environment and backyard food production. She is the mother of four, grandmother to six,  great grandmother to two. Barbara holds an M.S. in Waldorf education from the Waldorf Institute of Sunbridge College in Spring Valley, NY. She's been teaching in various settings since 1960. 

Barbara’s Workshops: 

  • Kindergarten at Home
  • Making Standing Puppets
  • Making Silk Marionettes
  • Handwork for Grades 5+
  • Language Arts & History with Jean

Rebecca Christie

Rebecca has always had a passion for numbers, patterns, sequences, and art. A former Industrial Engineer turned homeschooling mom of four, she found the one course she never had the opportunity to take in school, “The Art of Math, the Math of Art," inside the Waldorf curriculum! She will integrate the lively arts into math and science and also give you lots of tips on combining lessons for multiple grade levels.  

Rebecca’s Workshops: 

  • Math for Grades 1-4
  • Science for Grades 1-4 with Joe
  • How People Grow & Change, Science for Grades 5-8
  • The Art of Math, the Math of Art for Grades 5-8 with Amber
  • Conversations with Rebecca & Amber
  • Morning Yoga

Amber Adams

As a Waldorf-inspired homeschooling mother of five children, Amber has loved the teaching and incorporation of art and handwork into every subject and lesson block, as well as teaching weekly Waldorf-inspired art lessons to neighborhood children. Besides homeschooling her five children (and graduating one!), Amber can be found at Dance Edge Studio where she manages a non-profit bringing the art of dance and music to underserved children.

Amber’s Workshops: 

  • The Art of Math, the Math of Art for Grades 5-8 with Rebecca
  • Handwork Projects 
  • Crayon Drawing
  • Watercolor Painting
  • Conversations with Rebecca & Amber

Jodie Mesler

Jodie of Living Music is a multi-instrumentalist, a private music teacher of 25 years, and founder of livingmusic.net where she has created books and courses for Waldorf homeschool families. She has been on the Taproot team for 8 years, weaving music throughout many of the magical camp moments. 

Music has given Jodie many opportunities including being part of a blues rock band with her husband, director of a flute choir, a bass player/keyboardist for her church, a guitarist and singer in her family band, called Colorful Bones. Her newest music project is called Music Makers, which is an online community for families who love learning music in a gentle and easy way. 

 Jodie homeschooled her three children during their early years while continuing to live the Waldorf lifestyle even after her kids transitioned to public school. She and her husband, Brian, have been married for 27 years and are looking forward to a new season of their life now that their kids are all grown.

Jodie’s Workshops: 

  • Waldorf Music 101
  • Pentatonic Flute Woven with Storytelling
  • Games with Children

Sarah Jean Etheridge

Sarah is a homeschooling mother of four with a degree in Elementary Education with Reading Endorsement. She has many years of teaching experience in early childhood, cooperative, and home education settings.  Sarah has been a Waldorf-inspired homeschooler for seventeen years. And she seeks inspiration from sustainable living, fresh air, homegrown food, creative work and play, so many books, and her  dear sweet pets.    

Sarah’s Workshops: 

  • Skills Development Through the Grades
  • Easy Peasy Perfect Beeswax Candles

Joe Maxwell

Joe is not just a Taproot presenter, he's a proud alumni! He's the father of four and has been homeschooling for close to 10 years. Joe loves sharing his passion of being a steward of  the Earth and its beauty through his workshops at the Wonder Homeschooling Center and the Deep Roots Homeschool Cooperative. Joe's favorite place is to be walking in the woods with a gang of inquisitive minds or wading in the tidal pool with the next generation of Jacques Couteaus! He is excited to join the talented crew at Taproot once again and embrace the teachings shared by all.

Joe’s Workshops: 

  • Classroom in a Backpack
  • Science for Grades 1-4 with Rebecca
  • Inner Work Conversations
  • Morning Nature Walks

Dominique Fruscella

Dominique has served children in many capacities for 23+ years - as nanny, home daycare & summer camp provider, volunteer abroad, MOM  😉, parenting blogger, and homeschooler to 2 boys (ages 11 + 13). She authored a book about surrender in parenting, and her core passions are play, relationships with children, spirituality, and comedy. Dominique is also on Jean’s Art of Homeschooling team, and loves supporting homeschoolers from behind the scenes. You can find Dominique creating comedy videos, growing vegetables, SNACKING, and striving to attend to soul, family, community, & Higher Power in her own best way!

Dominique’s Workshop & Service at Taproot: 

  • Play, Humor, & Connection with Kids 
  • Photo Fairy!🧚🏻‍♀️(She’ll be buzzing around taking pics for the weekend!)


If your question is not answered below, please email [email protected]

  • Can I bring my family and children with me to Taproot?

    Unfortunately, no. We do not have a children's program or childcare. Think of Taproot as a retreat for Mom (or the primary homeschooling parent)! Nursing babies are welcome with a friend or family member familiar who can step out if the baby becomes disruptive. With a very active or vocal baby, or with a nursing toddler, it's best to come with a companion (think Grandma or partner) and register both of you so that your child also gets the attention he or she needs. If you wish to travel to Ohio with your family, please look into other accommodations nearby and then register at the commuter rate as we do not have sleeping accommodations for families or children. Two possibilities are Punderson State Park or the Hiram Inn.

  • When is the deadline for registration?

    The registration deadline for Taproot 2023 is July 25th. Or when we fill up, whichever comes first. We encourage everyone to get their registration in as early as possible because we build the schedule around the needs of those attending.

  • Can I pay by check rather than credit card?

    Yes! You can absolutely pay by check if you prefer. Just email [email protected] and we'll respond with the address for mailing your check. Then we'll email you details for creating a login to the learning platform that has all the details.

  • What is the Cancellation Policy?

    If you need to cancel your registration, your payment will be refunded minus a $50 processing fee up until July 1st. During the month of July, 50% of the registration fee is refundable. There is no refund within seven days of the event. If you can find someone to take your spot, we can transfer your registration to them.

  • What are the sleeping facilities like? Can I bring a tent and camp out?

    You can choose whether you stay in the retreat center with bunkbeds or bring a tent to campout on the grounds of Camp Asbury. The retreat center rooms have 3 bunkbeds each which means there will be 4-6 people in a room. Nearby, Punderson State Park is a wonderful place for families to stay and offers a lodge, cabins, and camping facilities within a twenty-minute drive of camp. Or if you want a more pampered experience, the Hiram Inn is lovely. If you choose to stay off-site, you'll want to register as a commuter.

  • Can I bring my own food to camp?

    Yes, you can! There is a refrigerator and microwave in the retreat center (but no stove or oven). The Camp Asbury staff provides family-style meals with gluten-free, dairy­-free, vegan, and vegetarian options available. We also serve afternoon snacks each day. You're welcome to bring your own food and snacks to supplement what's offered.

  • What do I need to know if I plan to fly to Ohio?

    You have two choices of airports. Both Cleveland Hopkins International Airport (CLE) and Akron-Canton Airport (CAK) are good choices, and both are less than an hour from Camp Asbury. To get from the airport to Camp Asbury, we suggest you rent a car or share a ride with others who are coming to Taproot. You could share the cost of a rental car or arrange for a driver. We suggest posting your travel details in the Facebook group to find others to share rides to and from the airport.

  • Are there any scholarships or discounts?

    We offer a discount for returning Taproot alumni and payment plans but no scholarships at this time. We are happy to work out a payment plan with you.

  • Do attendees ever drive to Taproot together?

    Yes! We've had participants meet new friends this way! If you would like to coordinate rides with others from your area, please join the private Facebook group and post in there.